Safety Messages
Discover a treasure trove of impactful safety messages seamlessly integrated into our lessons, providing teachers with valuable content to reinforce crucial farm safety concepts in the classroom and foster a culture of awareness among students.
Vehicle Safety
The vehicle safety course includes the following educational content:
• safer vehicle choices
• safety precautions when using vehicles
• avoiding risky behaviours or environments
• identify potential injuries from vehicle crash
Water Safety
The water safety course includes the following educational content:
• identify unsafe actions around water
• identifying drowning hazards
• learn which actions to take in an emergency
Paddock Safety
The paddock safety course includes the following educational content:
• select suitable actions to keep safe in the paddock
• animal safety and bite minimisation
• identify activities that are unsafe around silos
• implement precautions when operating heavy machinery
Workshop Safety
The workshop safety course includes the following educational content:
• which clothing to select to work safely in the workshop
• develop strategies to mitigate dangers in the workshop
• identify poison symbols
• improve electrical safety
Curriculum Links
The educational content of Calm Your Farm has been mapped to the Australian Curriculum and VET Curriculum Codes as follows:
Health and Physical Education (Years 5 & 6)
• analyse and rehearse protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies that can be used in a range of online and offline situations (AC9HP6P08)
• investigate different sources and types of health information and how these apply to their own and others’ health choices (AC9HP6P09)
• analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities (AC9HP6P10)
Health and Physical Education (Years 7 & 8)
• Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS073)
• Plan and use health practices, behaviours and resources to enhance health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (ACPPS077)
• Evaluate health information and communicate their own and others’ health concerns (ACPPS076)
• Plan and implement strategies for connecting to natural and built environments to promote the health and wellbeing of their communities (ACPPS078)
• Plan and use health practices, behaviours and resources to enhance health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (ACPPS077)
Health and Physical Education (Years 9 & 10)
• Critically analyse and apply health information from a range of sources to health decisions and situations (ACPPS095)
• Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at short or long term risk (ACPPS091)
• Propose, practise and evaluate responses in situations where external influences may impact on their ability to make healthy and safe choices (ACPPS092)
VET Curriculum
• Participate in work health and safety processes (AHCWHS201)
Downloadable resources tailor-made for classroom use, equipping teachers with valuable materials to seamlessly integrate farm safety education into their lessons and engage students effectively.